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 Restaurant & Café Cleaning: 5 Most Neglected Areas That Need Your Attention

Restaurant & Café Cleaning: 5 Most Neglected Areas That Need Your Attention

It is essential to ensure the hygiene and cleanliness of your café or restaurant as much as possible. While restaurant cleaning is necessary, it is quite challenging, expensive and time-consuming as well. Preparing fresh meals and dealing with customers requires a lot of fast-paced work, making it hard to manage cleaning and other tasks. Studies prove that most restaurants and cafés are more focused on their services and food, and proper restaurant cleaning is not on their priority list. However, staying focused on your service definitely doesn’t mean you can neglect cleaning. A clean environment is equally crucial for good customer reviews and, of course, health department checks.

So, in order to create a hygienic environment and avoid bad reviews, you should not compromise on your restaurant/café cleaning. There are many areas in the café/restaurant which are entirely ignored during regular café cleaning and, as a result, become home to pests, germs, bacteria and grime, which no one wants to experience. This blog will highlight such neglected areas, so during your café cleaning, ensure to clean these areas as well to avoid ruining your impression and ensure the safety of customers and staff. If you rely on a restaurant cleaning service, ensure these areas are deeply cleaned during each cleaning session.

5 Common Neglected Areas in Restaurant

Following are the areas that need to be added to your regular café cleaning checklist:

1. Shelves

Shelves are one of the most ignored spaces in restaurant cleaning. Like other places, fridges and containers that store food must be cleaned regularly; similarly, shelves that store ingredients need to be cleaned and sanitised every day. As shelves accumulate a lot of germs, dust and dirt and, if not cleaned, often become home to various germs and bacteria. If you want to keep the ingredients safe, including shelf cleaning in your regular restaurant cleaning is essential.

2. Menus

Menus are the most touched object in every café/restaurant hence need to be cleaned more often, but on the contrary, we’ve observed that there’s no attention given to this matter. Menus carry germs equal to any public toilet, as it is touched by many people every day, making them the perfect place for disease and germ transmission. According to research, germs can stay on any surface for more than eight hours. So, each time you touch a menu, it carries thousands of germs and bacteria from the hands of people who used it earlier.

That’s the reason during the COVID pandemic, most cafes and restaurants shifted to online/digital menus to stop the dissemination of the COVID virus. From this, we should learn lessons and make menu cleaning and wiping it with sanitiser part of your café cleaning routine to mitigate the spread of germs and diseases. Ideally, each menu should be cleaned or wiped with the antibacterial solution every time it is taken back from the table. But if that’s not possible in the hassle of receiving orders, make sure to clean them after each shift or take restaurant cleaning services to manage the cleaning of your café/restaurant. Doing this will improve the hygiene of your restaurant and enhance your customer experience.

3. Floors

Floors have a lot of dirt and germs. Regular café cleaning does include cleaning the floor, but it is usually only limited to removing dust and garbage from the floor. The floor needs a lot more deep cleaning than that, which is mostly ignored in restaurants. The best way to get rid of all the germs is to clean the floor with a microfibre mop and an antibacterial cleaning solution. You don’t necessarily need to use chemicals for cleaning floors. Many restaurant cleaning companies offer chemical-free cleaning services at affordable costs. You can also do it yourself by using a microfibre cloth, which will make floor cleaning a lot more convenient and faster.

4. Soda Dispensers & Can Openers

Can openers are the main site for cross-contamination in the café and are often ignored during café cleaning sessions. When we use drink dispensers and can openers, it often gets syrup or solution on them, which is a great medium for the growth of germs if left unclean for a long time. Can openers and Soda dispenser nozzles need to be cleaned in the dishwasher regularly to keep them germ-free.

In your regular cleaning, whether your staff is doing it or you are taking restaurant cleaning services, make sure these two places are cleaner properly at least once a day.

5. Ice Machines

Ice machines are often forgotten while cleaning, and even many professional restaurant cleaning services do not include ice machine cleaning in their services. At the same time, it is not healthy at all to use an ice machine all day and every day without cleaning it. It is often quite challenging to clean it, as it is in use most of the day, but ensure scheduling ice machine cleaning in your routine. You can include it in a professional restaurant cleaning service checklist because it is equally important.

Do You Need Professional Café/ Restaurant Cleaning Services?

Clean N Clear offers the most reliable and high-quality professional café/ restaurant cleaning services in Sheffield. We never compromise on the hygiene and cleanliness of your restaurant. Therefore, our team of cleaners leave no corner unclean. We offer flexible timing and customised restaurant cleaning services, so your work hours are not disrupted in any way. So whether you run a café, pub or a restaurant, give us a call or contact us and forget the cleaning stress. We’ll make sure that your all cleaning needs are fulfilled just the way you want and that too at very affordable rates.